Jon Boats

jon boat widths

Jon Boat Widths: How Wide is a Jon Boat?

Jon boats are arguably the best entry-level vessels that were built and designed with simplicity and functionality in mind. Regardless of which jon boat you currently have your eye on, you first have to determine the particular dimensions of the boat. This is important not just because of storage and transportation concerns but also the technical …

Jon Boat Widths: How Wide is a Jon Boat?

how to build a casting deck in an aluminum deck

How to Build a Casting Deck in an Aluminum Boat

The aluminum boat is a reliable workhorse. With the right care and maintenance, an aluminum boat can last upwards of 50 years. And because they’re inexpensive, there’s really no wonder why they’ve become so popular among budget-conscious anglers. But because they are pretty cheap, they’re also pretty basic. Aluminum boats are notoriously cramped, making it tough …

How to Build a Casting Deck in an Aluminum Boat

how to paint an aluminum boat

How to Paint an Aluminum Boat Yourself: Step by Step Guide

Aluminum has earned the reputation as one of the most ideal materials for boats, and for good reasons. For starters, aluminum boats are affordable, making them accessible to boaters with a limited budget. Other than that, the aluminum boat is particularly durable despite being lightweight, able to withstand some of the harshest conditions. Aluminum fishing …

How to Paint an Aluminum Boat Yourself: Step by Step Guide

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