Pontoon Boat Wraps: 13 Amazing Pontoon Graphic Designs

pontoon boat wraps

Pontoon boat wraps are one of the best methods that allow you to truly make your boat your own. There are a number of customizations that you can do to your pontoon, but a boat wrap is the only type of modification that makes a visually massive impact.

First of all, whenever boat wraps are mentioned, it refers to vinyl boat wraps. This is because vinyl is an elastic material that can conform to any shape and is relatively durable despite its flexibility.

Since vinyl is practically just a high-end sticker, this makes it easy to apply and remove, unlike paint. More importantly, vinyl can be given a multitude of colors, patterns, and graphics as well as a variety of finishes making it quite versatile and affordable.

If you want to go around boating and having people look at your boat saying “hey it’s that person with the really cool-looking boat” then check out some of thees cool designs for inspiration.

12 Best Pontoon Boat Wrap Designs

Before getting in to the details regarding boat wraps, here are a few examples of what you can expect your pontoon could potentially look like if you decide to undergo this customization path.

1. Blue Ocean Boat Wrap

blue ocean boat wrap

This is a pontoon boat wrap from Laporte Graphics designed to give your pontoon a sense of serenity and calmness as it cruises about.

2. Marlin Fishes Blue Abstract Boat Vinyl Wrap Fishing Pontoon Skiff Decal

marlin fishes blue abstract boat vinyl wrap fishing pontoon skiff decal

VentaUs on Etsy shows the amount of thought and detail put into this wrap by the quality of design. For those that love to go fishing, this might catch your fancy.

3. Abstract Graphic Boat Vinyl Wrap Fishing Pontoon Decal

abstract graphic boat vinyl wrap fishing pontoon decal

Unlike the previous decal from Etsy, this vinyl wrap shows a more abstract design hence the name. The rainbow fish scale-like design will be appealing for those that like fishing but with a more subtle take.

4. 2020 Custom Pontoon Boat Wrap Design - Shark

custom shark pontoon boat wrap

A custom wrap made by Greenback Graphics takes a shark prowling an underwater reef as the main subject for this full pontoon wrap.

5. 2020 Custom Pontoon Boat Wrap Design - Bone Fish

bone fish pontoon boat decal design

Greenback Graphics’ take on an intensely looking skeletal fish design giving your pontoon the ominous aura of a veteran angler.

6. Pontoon Wrap Design

laporte graphics pontoon wrap design

Yet another pontoon wrap design from Laporte Graphics, this time with a much more angular and geometric design showing off the ruggedness and strength of your pontoon.

7. American Flag

american flag pontoon boat wrap

For something so simple yet striking, this American Flag design from Arizona Color shows what it means to be a true and proud American. Like this? Then check out some Patriotic boat name ideas and American flags for a pontoon boat.

8. American Flag Bald Eagle Distressed Wood Vinyl Graphic Wrap Kit

american flag with eagle pontoon wrap

If you want to show your avid patriotism and pride in being a citizen of a democratic country, say no more. StrucknDesign on Etsy has got your back with this American Bald Eagle and flag design for your pontoon boat.

9. Gatorwraps Red and Black Wave

gatorwraps red and black waves

A full-body wrap from Gatorwraps that includes the pontoons has smooth flowing curves with a red and black color palette giving off a subtle yet aggressive look.

10. Laporte Lightning Design

laporte black blue gray design

This design is Laporte Graphics’ take on an electric lightning theme to really accentuate the lines and performance of your pontoon from a visual standpoint.

11. Octopus Red Graphic Boat Vinyl Wrap

Octopus Red Graphic Boat Vinyl Wrap

This aggressive design giving off a terror of the deep kind of vibe is sure to catch the eyes of many if you’d prefer your boat to be flashy.

12. Distressed Vinyl Graphic Wrap

distressed vinyl graphic wrap for pontoon boats

This is a particularly terrifying design meant to strike fear into the hearts of fish and man alike. The black and white skull graphic is detailed and the intensity of color contrast shows that the owner is not one to be messed with.

13. Looney Tunes Wrap

Looney Tunes wrap

For those who were fans of Looney Tunes as kids, you will love this custom Toons wrap for your 'toon. Another great job by Gatorwraps. How awesome does this look!?!

What You Need to Know About Wrapping a Pontoon Boat

Now that you’re in the same boat as other pontoon enthusiasts, here are a few things you need to know before pulling the trigger and getting your boat all wrapped up.

Does it Work With Any Pontoon Boat?

Yes, it does! It works beautifully even on aluminum pontoons. As long as it is the right type of vinyl boat wrap, and is installed properly, you won’t have any issues in the long term. Not to mention that not only would it look good but also help provide some level of protection to your boat’s surfaces.

How Much Does it Cost?

Having such a beautiful and well-protected boat to truly call your own must be a significant investment. For reference, a professional vinyl wrap shop in Illinois called Print Crazee does pontoon boat wraps and charge as low as $1,200 all the way up to $3,500 depending on a few factors.

This is a ballpark price range, but you can rest assured that it should be roughly the same for other shops. What matters more are the factors that affect that cost.


Starting with size, when it comes to pontoon boat wraps, size does matter. Naturally, a larger pontoon boat will require more vinyl in order to be fully wrapped.

Here’s a rough estimate for pontoon boats of various sizes based on the use of Supreme Wrap from Avery Dennison graphics solutions.

  • 12 to 16 foot boat would cost you around $800
  • 16 to 20 foot boat = $1,000
  • 20 to 24 foot boat = $1,200
  • 24 to 29 foot boat = $1,800
  • 30 to 35 foot boat = $2,700
  • 35 to 40 foot boat = $3,200
  • 41 to 45 foot boat = $4,100

As you can see, the larger the boat, the higher the price. Also, this is under the assumption that you’re going to be using a single-colored wrap. Multicolored wraps and custom graphics would definitely increase that price.

Then again even if you do have a large boat, you don’t necessarily need to wrap everything, which brings us to our next point.

Extent of Wrapping

Performance and protection aside, boat wrapping is heavily subjective in nature, and you don’t have to cover the entire boat if you don’t want to. That said, this has the effect of reducing the price by only partially wrapping your boat. This works well when you only intend to accentuate a few parts of your boat or like to add a stylized name for your pontoon for example.

Graphics Design

Similar to what was previously mentioned in the price ranges above, a single colored wrap will be the cheapest option in most cases. Choosing something with a pattern, multiple colored, or a complex custom-made graphics design will undoubtedly increase not only the price of the wrap but also the professional cost in designing it.

Wrap Quality

Not all wraps are made the same and there will be wraps that won’t fit your needs. Naturally better wraps with higher quality will be more expensive than cheaper wraps with an acceptable level of quality.

That said they both have their place as the more expensive wraps need to be of high quality when placed in damage-prone areas such as the hull where it will constantly be exposed to the elements. High-quality wraps take around 5-7 years before they start to peel off so if longevity is a consideration this would be the better choice.

Cheaper wraps and pontoon decals, on the other hand, don’t need as much waterproofing or durability when placed in areas that do not induce wear and tear and are not exposed to water such as deck accents for example. Plus it’s cheaper if you’re the type that likes to change colors and designs every now and then.

Regardless, both will work on your pontoon but the cheaper one will wear out faster.

Labor Cost

Most boat wrap shops usually advertise their prices which only include material costs to make it seem more appealing to their potential customers. Do consider a possible increase in your expected price as labor cost may not be included in the cost shown, thus you should consult your intended boat wrap shop first before wrapping your boat.

How It's Done

full pontoon boat wrap

If you’ve ever wondered what is exactly the process for wrapping a boat is, then this is the section for you.

1. Preparation

Starting off with preparation. Setting up the right tools and the right environment for wrapping a boat is tantamount to either success or failure. A good isolated environment is required to prevent dust or other particles floating in the air from interfering with the vinyl’s adhesive causing peeling or bubbles.

Tools such as a heat gun and squeegees are required plus the appropriate safety equipment. All this assumes that the boat is already on land either on a trailer or on a special hoist if wrapping the hull is a necessity.

Lastly, the vinyl itself needs to have the requested color or graphics on it and pre-cut to the same size as the boat sections that it will adhere to. Test fitting vinyl to the sections temporarily with some tape should be done to make sure that everything will fit properly.

Some would prefer to cut the graphics to size as it is attached to the boat, but scratching and damaging the boat’s hull is a potential risk.

2. Cleaning

Clean all the surfaces of the boat where vinyl will be placed. Make sure that it is completely spotless and thoroughly dry. Any large particles of dirt or dust will have a noticeable effect on the vinyl wrapping and could prove to be disastrous in its overall look. Thus it is imperative that this step must be done with proper care and attention.

3. Placement

Finally, place the vinyl on the boat, and slowly peel the backing off of it as you stick the vinyl onto the surface a few inches at a time. Using the squeegee, ensure that no air bubbles are trapped and that you have a smooth and flat surface. Should you make a mistake, it would be easy to fix as the vinyl hasn’t been entirely attached to the surface yet. Had you removed the entire backing and stuck it on, any mistakes would be difficult to correct.

4. Adhesion

Once the vinyl placement is perfect, a heat gun must be used to activate the adhesive to permanently adhere the vinyl to the boat. Too much heat can cause wrinkles and too little can make a weak bond. Thus it is preferable to let the professionals handle this.

Can You Do-It-Yourself?

Considering the sizeable labor cost which could be avoided by having the right tools and sourcing materials wholesale, doing it yourself sounds like a lucrative option doesn’t it?

First of all, this is the better choice provided you have the correct tools and materials. The cost of having a proper environment to work in, plus the cost needed to purchase all the right tools if you don’t have them yet, might set you back hundreds of dollars which is already half of what most boat shops offer their services for.

Even if you already have the right environment and tools ready and waiting, you have to consider your skill set and any potential manpower you might require. Vinyl wrapping is an art in itself and requires some finesse that must be practiced over a period of time. Going the DIY route, you will be sure to run into a lot of issues during the course of the project potentially ruining some of your vinyl wrappings. This isn’t a one-person job either, so you better hope that you know a few people willing to help you out for free, to make this option a bit more viable.

However, tools, manpower, materials plus a few extra sheets to account for mistakes, and finally, a proper skill set is what’s going to cost you if you go this route. Unless you have prior experience vinyl wrapping a boat, we would strongly advise against doing it yourself, and that you would be better off letting the professionals handle it to save you a few headaches.


After seeing all these various examples of boat wraps and things to consider in wrapping your boat, we hope that you’ve been inspired and you’re now thinking about your boat’s future look.

In summary, pontoon boat wraps are an amazing method of customizing and personalizing your boat at a relatively modest cost even when you let the professionals handle it.

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